The idea behind the campaign is to ask people to imagine how much better the world would be if we were all better informed.
Access to the right information, and the dissemination of this information through trustworthy news sources, is key to helping people understand different points of view and therefore having more empathy.
Having empathy can lead to a more caring world, a world in which we care more for things such as people’s basic human rights, political and religious freedom, and the environment and protected species.
Robben Island, the island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, may have been something far less infamous.
Steve Biko was an anti-apartheid activist and many believed that he would've been South Africa's first black president had he not died in police custody in 1977.
Various tactical executions of the campaign were also created.
Below is an example which depicts a fictitious meeting between The Dalai Lama and South Africa's president Jacob Zuma. The Dalai Lama was refused a visa to visit South Africa due to political pressure from China.